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Welcome to our website!
Saunya's A to Z Estate Sales & Liquidations, LLC.

Why us?
- We are Licensed, Bonded and Insured
- We are honest, trustworthy, hard working, friendly and dependable. We cater to your needs and we treat you how we would treat our close family and friends, with thoughtful intentions and productive results.
- We come highly recommended from our previous clients, attorney's, court appointed fiduciaries, and Real Estate Agents that we work for in our community. We let our reputation and references from these clients and our large following of customers speak for our professionalism and popularity -- not self proclaimed endorsements.
- We can get you the most amount for your items in the least amount of time.
- We have a large database of interested buyers who eagerly await our sales.
- No out of pocket costs. No hidden or up front fees. No deposits for commissions.
- Our operations are transparent and fair. Our goal is to issue the client the highest return on their possessions, while providing the best services to ensure a satisfying conclusion at the end of the sale for all involved.
- We take care of everything from beginning to end for a stress-free experience for our clients.
- We have over 30 years of local business experience here in the Verde Valley. We are Arizona Natives that have deep roots with our community.
- We are qualified appraisers.
- We are equipped with all necessary tables, coverings, glass cases, displays and other equipment to ensure a professionally staged home ready for large crowds.
- We accept Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and local checks.
- Our experienced team members will be on hand during sale hours to make sure everything runs smoothly.
- We pay for all advertising that may include ads in local newspapers, use of websites, our personal email of clients that eagerly await our sales, flyers and directional signs when allowed.
- Items are tagged and well marked for easy identification and pricing.
- We have professional team members who watch cases and home contents during sale days to protect your interests.
- We have ticket writers record purchases where they are rung up on a cash register.
- We have a ticket valet for small or more expensive items.
- We provide wrapping materials and holding tables for items being purchased.
- We provide an inventory of items sold that is available with check, less commission from gross sales within seven business days.
- As part of our service, we leave the home empty and clean at the conclusion of the sale as a courtesy.
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